Alternative Teacher Licensure

The Centennial BOCES Alternative Teacher Licensure Program (ATLP) is a STATE approved non-traditional licensure program. 

Registration for the 2022-23 School Year ATLP program will open May 15, 2022.  

The ATLP is designed for individuals who would like to become a licensed teacher in Colorado but have not completed a traditional teacher licensure program through a university. The program is a clinically-based one-year "on-the-job" teacher preparation training experience. The applicant is responsible for finding a teaching position in the endorsement that you qualify for (see below).  You will be licensed with an ALTERNATIVE TEACHING LICENSE while in our program. We accept candidates from public, charter and private schools. Our program is based on the Northern Front Range (North of Denver) to the Eastern Border of Colorado. We cannot service applicants that are not in this area.  

Please Review the following guidelines to see if you qualify for the program:

 Do you have a Bachelors degree?

• Do you have at least 24 credit hours in the subject that you would like to be endorsed to teach or have you taken and passed the PRAXIS test in that endorsement to qualify to teach that subject?

• Anyone wanting to teach Elementary Education needs to take the mandatory PRAXIS 5901 - 3 part test and pass all 3 subjects in order to be accepted.  

• Have you submitted your fingerprints to CDE (Colorado Department of Education)?  CBOCES has a fingerprint processing system that can be used at the cost of $45.  Contact Mandy Moss at 970-352-7404 x2704 to set up an appointment.  Cash or Check only. You can find more information with the following link:

Please contact Patti Greenlee (970-352-7404 x2509) or to get signed up for the ATLP program.  Watch the websites of the school districts for the location you would like to teach for any openings that would fit your endorsement.

We are also accepting application for Teacher Induction, Principal (Admin) Induction and Alternative Principal Licensure Program (APLP).

CBOCES endorses the following subjects:

A candidate must meet the following requirements in order to enroll in the ATLP:

  1. Hold a minimum of a Bachelor's degree
  2. Hold a Statement of Eligibility (SOE) from the Colorado Department of Education: You must submit a fingerprint card and processing fee to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation with the following link: You must also complete an online application for an alternative teacher license with the following link:  (Select apply for or renew a license or authorization, then select alternative license teacher). The SOE is a step within the application process. The CDE endorsement area (subject) review for approval of an SOE will require either documented evidence of 24 semester hours of college level coursework from a regionally accredited college or university, specific to the endorsement area or a passing score on the approved Colorado assessment (Praxis II).  Registration information for the Praxis II can be found on CDE’s website or directly on the PRAXIS website through the following link:
  3. Secure a full-time, full-year teaching (or at least 75%) contract in the approved endorsement area in a public/private or charter school.

Program Information

The ATLP provides the following to the candidate:

1. Program orientation and instruction on classroom management via nine required training sessions held at the Greeley CBOCES facility (Saturdays).

2. A job coach (CBOCES Coach) to assist the candidate in developing teaching skills and to assist with the documentation of the Colorado Teacher Quality Standards and Elements. The coach is assigned, trained and paid by CBOCES out of ATLP program fees. 

3. A building level, non-administrative, teacher mentor to assist the candidate in developing teaching skills and to provide support at the building level. The mentor is assigned by the building or district, but the mentor is paid by CBOCES indirectly (payment is issued to the school district or charter/private school and then passed to the mentor through payroll) from ATLP program fees. 

4. Training for the required "Understanding By Design" unit work sample.

5. Scoring and feedback on the above mentioned unit work sample.

6. Instruction in reading and writing as it applies to the candidate's content area.

7. Data collection and analysis for all program requirements.

8. Resource and training materials.

CBOCES endorses the following subjects:

Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources                           
Business and Marketing                                                                                      
Drama Theater Arts
Elementary Education                                                             
English Language Arts
Family and Consumer Sciences                                             
Instructional Technology                                                       
Middle School Mathematics                                                   
Physical Education                                                                   
Social Studies                                                                           
Technology Education                                                             
Visual Arts
World Languages
SPED (2 year program requirement)

CBOCES does not endorse Early Childhood Education

Program Fees


ATLP candidates are paid a salary by the hiring district. Salary schedules vary by district. The program fee for the Mid-year CBOCES ATLP program is $6,300 for Member District Schools and $7,350 for Non-Member District Schools.  

In the event that an ATLP candidate drops out of the program early or is released from their teaching position and is not able to find another position, there will be a drop fee that will be prorated from the start of the program.

MEMBER DISTRICTS                                              NON-MEMBER DISTRICTS
Ault-Highland RE-9                                                   Poudre RE-1
Briggsdale RE-10                                                      Windsor RE-4
Brush RE-2J                                                             Greeley District D6
Eaton RE-2                                                               Ft Lupton RE-8
Keenesburg RE-3J                                                     Thompson R-2J
Johnstown/Milliken     RE5J                                        Most Northern Denver 
Mapleton Public Schools
Morgan County RE-3                                                  
Park R-3                                                                         
Pawnee RE-12                                                                
Platte Valley RE-7                                                        
Prairie RE-11
Salida del Sol Academy
St Vrain Valley RE-1J
University Schools
Valley RE 1 Sterling
Weld RE-1
Weldon Valley RE-20J
Wiggins RE-50J

Please contact Patti Greenlee to find out if the school you are applying with is not on the list to see if it is a member or non-member. Fees for the program are the candidate's responsibility unless the hiring district has made other arrangements. Payroll deductions are available through most participating districts. District human resource offices will provide the details about the payroll deduction policy. Full program fees are billed directly to districts (or directly to candidates if not using a payroll deduction) .

In very rare cases, districts or charter cannot accommodate payroll deductions to cover program fees. In these cases, it is the full responsibility of the candidate to make payments. 

Should an ATLP candidate be released from his/her contract or dismissed from the program, the candidate is responsible for costs associated with the program up to the point of release.

Fees cover all required training, materials, coaching, mentoring, and associated expenses. The candidate is responsible for the purchase of textbooks, fees associated with college credit, and any elective coursework registration fees.

The CBOCES ATLP is a quality program that provides the training a candidate needs to be successful in the classroom. It is expected that candidates will make this program a priority and make every attempt to be present for every required training session.

Candidates may be allowed to miss one required training session. However, it must be pre-approved (except in the case of an emergency situation) by the CBOCES department Program Manager and course instructor, as a legitimate reason.  

Any absence over this "one day" limit will be reviewed by the CBOCES department director and a decision will be made as to whether or not the person can continue in the program.  

If a candidate misses any of the required training sessions, they have the responsibility of viewing the video of the session on their own time and completing/submitting any of the in-class work/assignments to the instructor for grading, within three weeks of the date of the absence.  
1. Complete all paperwork to meet state requirements.
2. Attend and complete all required training sessions.
3. Actively participate with the support team (CBOCES coach, building mentor, and building administrator).
4. Complete a weekly electronic journal with the CBOCES coach in which the candidate reflects upon their experience.
5. Observe another effective teacher in a role similar (one full day minimum).
6. Develop and complete a professional growth plan. 
7. Demonstrate proficiency in understanding of the Colorado Teacher Quality Standards and Elements.
8. Develop and teach an "Understanding By Design" unit.
9. Complete 15 video hours of the CLDE/ELL Training

Patti Greenlee, PROGRAM MANAGER, AT 970-352-7404 x2509 OR or complete the contact form below.


Below is a paragraph from a candidate's last journal entry that speaks to what this program is all about:

"As the year starts winding down, I've been looking back at my lesson plans from the beginning of the year and comparing them to the middle of the year and now. One of the developmental goals that I established for myself was to become more proficient at creating/developing/implementing impactful lessons for my students. At the beginning of the year I was "winging" it way more than I should have been. After a few months into it, I was able to implement a lesson much better, but I still wasn't as prepared as I would have liked to be. After studying what a good lesson plan looks like and working on the lesson plan unit through my ATLP coursework, I've been able to make my lessons more cohesive and at the same time utilize cross-curriculum strategies to continue the learning into different subjects. I know I have a lot of room for improvement, and I'll continue to work on those "deficiencies" over the summer, but looking at the growth I've made over this one school year is fairly impressive to me. I already have new ideas planned and which ideas need to be scrapped. Knowing what the curriculum entails will also allow me to better plan out what the year looks like. I'm excited for next year to get here!"