Board Policies

Table of Contents

Section A contains policies, regulations and exhibits on the basic principles underlying board governance. These policies provide a setting for all of the board's other policies and regulations.

* Indicates a policy/regulation that is required by law.

Section B contains policies and regulations about the Centennial BOCES board -- how it is organized; how it conducts meetings and how it operates. This section includes policies establishing the board’s internal operating procedures as well as policies on participation in the CBOCES by member school districts.

* Indicates a policy/regulation that is required by law.

Section C contains policies on administrative organization, including policies regarding the executive director.

* Indicates a policy/regulation that is required by law.

Section D contains policies, regulations and exhibits on Centennial BOCES finances and the management of funds.  It includes policies on budget, banking, accounting and purchasing.

* Indicates a policy/regulation that is required by law.

Section E contains policies, regulations and exhibits on business management, safety, building and grounds management, office services, transportation, food services, data management and insurance.

* Indicates a policy/regulation that is required by law.

Section F contains policies and regulations on facility planning, financing, construction and renovation. 

* Indicates a policy/regulation that is required by law.

Section G: Personnel

Section G contains policies, regulations and exhibits on Centennial BOCES employees except the executive director (found in Section C - General Administration). The category is divided into three main divisions:  GB contains policies applying to all employees or to general personnel matters; GC refers to instructional and administrative staff; and GD refers to support staff.

* Indicates a policy/regulation that is required by law.

Section H: Negotiations

Section H contains policies on the process of negotiations.

There are no Section H policies

Section I contains policies and regulations on the instructional programs. This section covers instructional resources and academic achievement. It also includes policies about the school year, school day, grading, graduation requirements and field trips.

* Indicates a policy/regulation that is required by law.

Section J: Students

Section J contains policies, regulations and exhibits on students -- admissions, attendance, rights and responsibilities, conduct and discipline, health and welfare and records. 

* Indicates a policy/regulation that is required by law.

Section K contains policies and regulations on public sector relations with Centennial BOCES, including parents’ rights and public information and complaints.

* Indicates a policy/regulation that is required by law.

Section L contains policies and regulations on the Centennial BOCES relationship with education research organizations.

* Indicates a policy/regulation that is required by law.