Education Program for Agricultural Families
The Education Program for Agricultural Families is funded through Title I, Part C of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and awarded through the Office of Language, Culture, and Equity in the Colorado Department of Education.
The Education Program for Agricultural Families provides supplemental and support services to eligible students. The primary purpose of the program is to ensure that all students of agricultural families reach challenging academic standards and graduate with a high school diploma (or complete a GED) that prepares them for responsible citizenship, further learning, and productive employment. The program ensures that children of migratory farm workers have access to the same free, appropriate public school education that is provided to other children. It seeks to remove barriers to school enrollment, attendance, and achievement of highly mobile students.
The purposes of the Education Program for Agricultural Families are to:
- Ensure that highly mobile students have the opportunity to meet the same challenging state content and achievement standards that all children are expected to meet
- Support high quality and comprehensive educational programs for migrant children to help reduce educational and other problems that result from repeated moves
- Ensure that highly mobile students are provided with appropriate education and support services that address their special needs in a coordinated and efficient manner
- Design programs to help highly mobile students overcome educational disruption, cultural and language barriers, social isolation, various health-related problems and other factors that inhibit the ability of such children to succeed in school and prepare them for a successful transition to post-secondary education or employment
Benefits of the Education Program for Agricultural Families Include:
- Collaboration to help families communicate with teachers, administrators and school staff
- Support in enrolling children in school and helping them succeed
- Assistance in understanding school policy, requirements and forms
- Collaboration to help families communicate with teachers, administrators and school staff
- School supplies and books when available
- Registration costs for students to attend conferences, workshops, and trainings
- Medical, dental and mental health care as available
- Family events such as the Outstanding Students and High School Graduation Celebration,
- Spring and Summer Youth Leadership Institutes and the Christmas Fiestas.
- Parent involvement opportunities such as training at local parent meetings on assisting children with homework, understanding school policies and procedures
- Eligibility for free meals at school
- Information and referral to community agencies that provide assistance with food, clothing, health, dental, legal issues, housing, employment, and other social services
- Participation in the Binational Migrant Education Program (BMEP). The BMEP provides coordination between schools in the U.S. and Mexico to help binational students enroll in school and accrue credits for school work completed in each country. This program provides students their grades, so they may enroll in school when they return to Mexico and have their credits accepted and an appropriate educational placement made. This document is also used for students returning to the United States from Mexico to assist in their educational placement.
For additional questions or assistance, contact us at our Greeley or Fort Morgan office.