Special Education

Students reading from a television monitor


To request records for the Greeley and Morgan County areas contact:

Ruth Grevesen 970-352-7404 ext. 1107

or rgrevesen@cboces.org


​Child Find Intake Information:

Greeley & Fort Morgan Areas: Katie Abrego (970) 867-8297 ext. 1159 or cabrego@cboces.org


Male Student

Currently, CBOCES provides itinerant staff to support programs for students with disabilities, preschool through grade 12 or age 21.


Student disabilities encompass significant learning disabilities, significant limited intellectual capacity, significant identifiable emotional disabilities, hard of hearing, vision impaired, physical disabilities, speech/language disabilities, multiple disabilities and preschool children with disabilities.


Pep Academy Online!!


2024 Winter PEP

Registration is open for the 2024 Winter PEP

Winter PEP conference: Friday and Saturday, January 26-27, 2024 in Aurora. The hotel venue is pending.

Spring PEP conference: Friday and Saturday, May 3-4, 2024. Location and hotel venue are pending.

Parents Encouraging Parents (PEP) registration link: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/094dc81ea0b24c2ba35720813508c26e 


Padres Alentando a Otros PadresParents Encouraging Parents (PEP) (en inglés):https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/0699a55e9a4e456692821deed33b850c  


​PEP, or Parents Encouraging Parents, is a conference that creates partnerships between families and their communities to share information, ideas, successes, educating others and ultimately ensuring student learning.

Colorado Department of Education  Parents Encouraging Parents Academy Flyer English Version
Colorado Department of Education Parents Encouraging Parents Academy Spanish Flyer