Autism, Behaivor and Brain Injury Team

The Autism, Behavior, and Brain Injury Team offers professional consultation through collaboration with families, service providers, and school staff to fully meet the needs of students identified with autism or a brain injury.  The team can also be consulted if a student has not been identified but is suspected to have autism or a brain injury and you would like to explore an educational identification of Autism or Traumatic Brain Injury, or if the student was previously identified as such in another school district and you would like the student's eligibility confirmed. 

The team can help address concerns with behavior, self-regulation, executive function, sensory processing, communication, environmental adaptations, and implementation of evidence-based teaching strategies.  They may provide training, observations, links to a variety of intervention resources, guidance for evaluation planning and behavior plans, and administration of specialized assessments such as the ADOS or NEPSY. 

Team members include a registered nurse, speech and language pathologist, occupational therapist, social worker, and school psychologists.