Federal Programs

The Federal Programs Department administers a variety of federal, state, and privately funded grants. We serve school districts in the north, central, and northeast regions of Colorado. 

Having the largest Migrant Education Program in the state, we partner with dozens of school districts to address the unique educational needs of students whose education is disrupted because of high mobility. Remaining solution-focused, our McKinney-Vento Title X Homeless Education Program serves students with housing instability in the rural and urban landscapes. Through the Consolidated Federal Grants Application, we administer the following grants for school districts: Title I Part A, Title II Part A, Title III (ELL), Title III SAID and Title IV. We always welcome ideas and comments on ways to improve services for school districts, students, families, and the communities we serve.

Our staff includes multi-talented individuals whose main focus is to meet the needs of school districts.  With significant community support, we organize a number of exciting activities throughout the year such as Migrant Christmas Fiestas, Community Events for Families, the Outstanding Migrant Students and High School Graduation Celebration, and Homeless Education trainings. Believing in the potential of all students, much of our work centers on supporting the academic success of students who are migrant, English Language Learners, experiencing homelessness, and who are under-served.

Migrant Eduation Program welcome banner
Colorado Migrant Education Banner image